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Privacy Policy

In accordance with the provisions of the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data and the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights, we inform you that through this website no personal data of users are collected without their knowledge, nor are they transferred to third parties.

The website owned by Expat Internet S.L. contains links to third party websites, whose privacy policies are unrelated to those of Expat Internet S.L.

By accessing such websites you can decide whether to accept their privacy and cookie policies. In general, if you browse the Internet you can accept or reject third party cookies from the configuration options of your browser.

We inform you that our company has a Data Protection Delegate who will ensure proper compliance with data protection regulations in our entity with full independence, making compatible the operation of the organization, the achievement of the lawful and legitimate objectives of its activity and the guarantee of the right to data protection and information security.

You can contact our Data Protection Officer (DPD) for any matter relating to how we treat your personal data in our entity. This Delegate will act as a guarantee to safeguard your data protection rights.

 Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

Responsible:                   Expat Internet S.L.

CIF:                                      B16368193

Address:                         CALLE PINTADA (PSJE CANTARERO), 156 – LOC 2 Nerja. Málaga

DPD contact details:

 Origin and categories of the data we process

Origin: the data we process comes directly from the data subject and we obtain it through e-mail, telephone, web forms and paper contracts.

The categories of data we process are as follows:

Web forms Contact: name, telephone number and e-mail address

Customer Access Web Form: user name

Employment Form: employment data, training and professional experience (data contained in the Curriculum Vitae that the interested party provides us through the web).

Service: Mobile phone lines and TV channels platform: name, surname, ID card number, postal address, telephone, e-mail, bank account number, origin and destination telephone numbers (outgoing and incoming calls).

Service: TV channels platform: name, surname, ID number, postal address, telephone, e-mail, bank account number,

Services: Fixed telephony and Fiber Optic Internet: name, surname, ID card number, postal address, telephone, e-mail, bank account number, origin and destination telephone numbers, user identification, traffic data, Internet protocol address number and the rest of the data categories contemplated in Art. 3 of Law 25/2007, of October 18, on the conservation of data related to electronic communications and public communications networks.

In compliance with Law 25/2007, of October 18, 2007, on the conservation of data relating to electronic communications and public communications networks, we inform you that our company will process the categories of data referred to in Art. 3 of said Law with respect to fixed telephony and fiber optic Internet services. Such data processing is necessary to identify the destination of a communication, determine the date, time and duration of a communication, identify the type of communication, identify the communication equipment of the users or what is considered to be the communication equipment, identify the location of the mobile communication equipment. We also inform you that no data revealing the content of the communication will be retained in accordance with the aforementioned Law.

Purpose and legitimacy of the processing of your personal data


The personal data collected through the Contact form will be processed to:

-to attend the requests received or the requests for information and budget requested.

-send you advertising information and other communications of interest related to our activity, through e-mail, telephone and postal mail.


Art 6.1 b) of the GDPR. The data processing is necessary to implement pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject.

Art. 6.1 a) GDPR The data subject gave consent for this specific purpose.


Our customers will be able to access their private area from which they can consult and manage their invoices and information about the contracted services.

The personal data of our customers are processed for:

-provision of our services

-the fulfillment of the legal obligations that derive from the relationship maintained

-management of the non-fulfillment of monetary obligations

-sending commercial and advertising information directly related to the services provided, through e-mail, telephone and postal mail.



Art. 6.1 b) GDPR: The processing of data is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party.

Art. 6.1 c) The processing of the data is necessary for the fulfillment of legal obligations applicable to Expat Internet S.L. regarding taxation, accounting and specific laws of the telecommunications sector

Art. 6.1 f) The processing of the data is necessary for the satisfaction of legitimate interests pursued by Expat Internet S.L.

APPLICANT REGISTRATION FORM – Receipt and management of Curriculums Vitae

The personal data collected through the form Employment will be processed for the following purposes:

To carry out the open personnel selection processes, the archiving of the resumes received in order to arrange an interview with the candidate for future personnel selection processes, and the conservation and archiving of the document/record of obtaining your consent given in order to comply with a legal obligation.




Art 6.1b) of the GDPR. The data processing is necessary to implement pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject.

Art. 6.1 a) GDPR The data subject gave consent for this specific purpose: the consent given for the conservation of resumes for future recruitment processes.

Art. 7.1 GDPR: Conditions for consent

Retention of your personal data

Personal data will be retained for the legally established periods depending on the purposes for which they were obtained, as detailed below:

Application of pre-contractual measures: when the processing of your data is based on the application of pre-contractual measures the data will be kept for a maximum period of one year since they were obtained. After this period, your data will be completely deleted from our information systems.

Execution of a contract to which you are a party: when the processing of data is based on the execution of a contract to which the data subject is a party, the data will be processed for as long as the contractual relationship is in force. When the contractual relationship ends, the data will be kept duly blocked and will only be available at the request of the competent authorities, judges and courts or Public Administration, during the legal prescription periods applicable to tax and accounting matters and specific rules that apply in the telecommunications sector.

Compliance with legal obligations applicable to the Responsible: for the provision of Internet fiber optic and fixed telephony services, our company is obliged to keep the categories of data referred to in art. 3 of Law 25/2007 of October 18, on the conservation of data relating to electronic communications and public communications networks for a period of twelve months and may extend and reduce these periods up to a maximum of two years and a minimum of six months.

Likewise, we will keep the categories of data that are necessary during the strictly necessary period or during the legal prescription periods that are applicable to comply with other legal regulations applicable to our entity in tax, commercial and other applicable matters.

Legitimate interest of the Responsible: the data processed on the basis of our legitimate interest will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected and to determine the possible responsibilities that may arise from that purpose and the processing of the data.

Consent given: when we ask for your consent to the processing of your personal data, we will keep your data for the time strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we obtained your consent, until they are no longer necessary for those purposes or, failing that, until you decide to withdraw your consent given.

Conditions for consent: in case you have provided your consent, we will keep the document of the obtaining of your consent in order to comply with a legal obligation. Once you decide to withdraw your consent, the document will be kept until the data protection regulations expire.

Communication of your data to third parties: we foresee the communication of our customers’ personal data to the following recipients:

  • State Agency of Tax Administration, mandatory communication for the fulfillment of fiscal and tax obligations.
  • Financial Entities; for the collection of the services rendered.
  • External professionals who provide us with auxiliary services necessary for the performance of our main activity such as, for example, the entity that provides us with the domain of our corporate emails, hosting of our website (data hosting on external servers), licenses for the use of membership management applications, databases, tax and accounting consulting services, IT technical assistance services, etc.
  • Spanish Data Protection Agency, in case of requirement, to demonstrate compliance with legal obligations regarding data protection.
  • Public Administrations in the cases foreseen by the Law. Expat Internet S.L. may communicate the User’s personal data to the different authorities by virtue of a legal obligation, such as judicial, fiscal and customs authorities and the Empowered Agents.

The data relating to other interested parties who contact our company through our web forms could be processed by external professionals who provide us with auxiliary services necessary for the performance of our professional activity, such as, for example, the entity that provides us with the corporate e-mail domain (data hosting on external servers) or computer technical assistance services..

International Data Transfers

We do not transfer your personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area (EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), nor to international organizations.

PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA THROUGH OUR SOCIAL NETWORK PROFILES: Expat Internet S.L. is present in the Social Network Facebook and Instagram. Through this Privacy Policy, informs users who are following us on these social networks that Expat Internet S.L. is responsible for the processing of personal data published by Expat Internet S.L. on these platforms, as well as the data that users send us privately in order to be extracted to address their queries, questions or suggestions raised through this channel.

In no case will Expat Internet S.L. extract personal data from social networks without the express consent of the user to do so, except to meet the request made by the person concerned through the social network in question.


In Axarfusión, we value your opinion and we offer you the possibility to leave comments and opinions in our contents and pages. To do this, we provide you with an external link to platforms such as Google. We want you to feel free to express yourself and share your thoughts with us and other users.

It is important to note that when you leave a comment or opinion through an external link such as Google, Expat Internet does not perform any processing of personal data associated with that action. This means that we do not capture, collect or store your personal data in connection with your comments.

The comments and opinions you leave through external links such as Google may be published on our website, in the section corresponding to the content to which they are related. These comments will be available for other users to read and benefit from different perspectives and experiences.

At Expat Internet, we are committed to protecting your privacy and personal data. For detailed information on how we handle your personal data, we recommend that you consult our main Privacy Policy, which covers all activities related to the collection and use of personal data.

Remember that, as a user, you have rights related to your personal data. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing and portability of your data in accordance with the provisions of the applicable data protection regulations.

“If you have any questions about how we treat your personal data, or in case you feel your data protection rights have been violated, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you can contact our Data Protection Officer through the e-mail”


Right to request access to your personal data.

The right to request its rectification or deletion.

Right to request the limitation of its treatment.

The right to object to the processing.

Right to data portability.

Right to withdraw the consent given.

Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not Expat Internet S.L. is processing personal data concerning him/her. You have the right to access your personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request their deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

In certain circumstances, you may request the limitation of the processing of your data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims. Also, in the cases legally established, you have the right to the portability of your personal data.

In certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation, you may object to the processing of your data. In this case, Expat Internet S.L. will stop processing your data, except for compelling legitimate reasons or for the formulation, exercise and defense of possible claims.

If you have any doubts about how we treat your personal data, or in case you feel your data protection rights have been violated, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you can contact our Data Protection Delegate through the e-mail address

You can materially exercise your rights by sending an e-mail to or a postal letter addressed to CALLE PINTADA (PSJE CANTARERO), 156 – LOC 2. Nerja.

In case you feel that your rights concerning the protection of your personal data have been violated, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you can contact our Data Protection Officer or file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency through its website

*Date of last revision: May 15, 2024

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